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Gently she bent down and lifted Miriam from the trash can, wrapping her in a hospital blanket. Quickly one of the specialists from the other room snipped the cord and Miriam was taken to a bed next door to evaluate her needs.  Ten minutes later, the specialists, having determined there was no immediate threat returned Miriam to Angela eager arms.
What Kind Of Law is This ???????
On October 7, 1997 in Newark, Delaware in the delivery room in
Christiana Hospital , as my wife lay a full nine months with child,
in labor, straining to deliver our youngest daughter, Miriam,   two
young pediatricians entered the room together and , in accord
with the law of the United States of America, offered to kill
Miriam before she took her first breath.

Angela, my wife, had taken a deep sonogram which showed that Miriam had a duodenal atresea, a break in the digestive system, specifically in the duodenum, which prevented the normal evacuation of waste from the body.  This is a problem easily treated by surgically repairing the break after birth.
This condition, we were learning, is indicative, twenty-five per cent of the time,  of a genetic anomaly, usually Down Syndrome.

And this is why Miriam’s life was being threatened by the very persons who we had entrusted with her care.  When I expressed my outrage that such a proposal should be offered in front of my wife Angela as she lay in labor, both doctors simultaneously raised both hands in self defense and assured me it was not their idea, but they were compelled by force of law to offer to kill Miriam.
Because abortion is legal, and because some parents may not want a child with a twenty-five per cent chance of not being “perfect“, to deliver such a child without offering to kill her is to put the doctors and their hospital at legal risk of being sued.  “Unlawful life,” it’s called.  And this was the reason Miriam’s reception into the world was less than warm.
God had His eye on her, however.  In the next room was a team of specialists ready to whisk Miriam away after delivery to determine and treat her exact condition.  I informed out two young attending physicians that Miriam’s birth would proceed normally, but they should be prepared because Angela was quick.  Our number two daughter was born in a 1976 Dodge Aspen on the way to the hospital and our number three daughter was caught in mid-air by me all alone in the delivery room at 3:00 AM during Hurricane Gloria.
True to form the two young doctors paid me no mind, and five minutes later as they stood around Angela’s bed with several nurses and an attendant chit-chatting about various recent humorous happenings in their lives,  the phone rang and I turned reluctantly to answer it.  Quickly I told my sister-in-law that everything was fine and we were in the middle of labor.  I hung up and as I returned to reclaim my spot at the bed, Miriam suddenly exploded into the room to everyone’s hapless dismay and fell unceremoniously into the trash can at the foot of Angela’s bed.
One of the young doctors stepped forward, pointed her finger and said, “Oh, my God, look at that!”  She took  a step backward, another step forward, pointed again and said, “Look at that!”  She repeated these actions a second time.  Her colleague did not speak or move.  I was still trying to get past the bevy of nurses to see what was going on when the little attendant, a young Hispanic girl, I believe, could stand no more.  Her maternal instincts aroused, she grabbed hold of her boss, the pointing doctor, and with a grunt of disgust, forcefully pushed her out of the way.
Thus was my daughter born unmolested, untouched and unstained by the two representatives of American medicine and justice who had threatened to do her harm.  We serve a loving and merciful God. 
Psalm 139: 13-16 " You formed my inmost being, you knit me in my mother`s womb. I praise you, so wonderful you made me, wonderful are your works! My very self you knew; my bones were not hidden from you. When I was made in the secret, fashioned as in the depths of the earth. Your eyes foresaw my actions; in your book all are written down; my days were shaped before one came to be