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Sex And Marriage

Did you know 95%  of abortion todate is a result of pregnancies out of wedlock. Sex has become a casual thing. Why???  What does sex mean???, Where does it come from??? What is it`s main purpose??? What has changed???Who is to blame???

The word SEX is defined as the quality by which organisms are classified as male or female. Nowadays sex is short for SEXUAL INTERCOURSE, which is a scientific terminology used to define the sexual union between humans involving genital contact other than vaginal penetration by the penis. Also known as Coitus between humans. Have we all become scientists,? to call the wonderful act of union between a man and a woman  just as SEX it to take away its true  joy and purpose,  the blessing of procreation.

Sex better known as the coming together of a man and a woman joined together in Holy matrimony before God is a gift from the creator himself to all human kind to show their love and affectionate for one another, and through their love bring forth Children. Gen 2 v24 "that is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife and the two of them become one body" All human generations proceed from this union. ( Also see Matt 19v5-7)

It`s hard to understand what has happened to society today. Being a virgin is a disgraceful thing for the "sheltered girl". How can today's generation have such low self esteem. How can people have no self respect, enough to treat themselves as mere OBJECTS OF sexual pleasure. Do we have no fear for God and what he has made scared. God made man and a woman in his image and there union solely for the procreation of children. Gen 1 v27-28 " God created man in his image, in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them saying: 'Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it." LETS SAY NO TO SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE, ABSTINANCE IS THE ONLY WAY.

What has happened to our parents, What kind of advise is "If you feel you need to have sex make sure you have protection). How many teenagers walk around with the so-called Protection, or how many teenagers have the will to say stop or ask for protection. ACCORDING TO A RECENT STUDIES 96% OF PARENTS WOULD RATHER TELL THEIR CHILDREN TO USE PROTECTION RATHER THAN TELLING THEIR CHILDREN NOT TO HAVE SEX.  It`s a mere shame when parents don`t have the courage and love to advise their children about the dangers  of sex.

To not advise a Child is as Good as setting that child for Failure. It has also been proven that sex is the least likely subject parents chose to talk about to their kids AND THAT PRESSSURE FROM PARENTS IS ONE OF THE MAIN REASONS FOR ABORTION. HOW IS THAT? How can you not educate your child, and then force them to kill an innocent and also endanger their well-being just so you cover your mistake. In whose hands do you think the blood of those innocent IS??????


Having early sex in teenage girls can cause problems during pregnancy and  later in life.

Health Risks to the Teenage Mother

  * The death rate from pregnancy complications is much  higher among girls who give birth under age 15       than among older mothers.
  * The teenage mother is more likely to be undernourished and suffer premature or prolonged labor.
  * During the first three months of pregnancy; seven out of ten pregnant teenagers do not see a doctor or      go to a clinic.
  * Poor eating habits, smoking, alcohol and drugs increase the risk of having a baby with health                   problems.
  * Two out of three pregnant teenagers drop out of school.
  * With her education cut short, the teenage mother may lack job skills. The income of teen mothers is        half that of those who first gave birth in their 20s. The teenage mother may become financially                  dependent on her family or on welfare

Health Risks to the Baby

The baby growing inside a mother is in a most dependent, and often risky, place. Low birth weight is the most immediate health problem. Babies born to teenagers often are born too small, too soon. Low birth weight babies may have the following:
       * Immature organ systems (brain, lungs, heart).
       * Difficulty controlling body temperature and blood sugar levels.
       * Mental retardation.
       * A risk of dying in early infancy that is much higher than among normal weight babies (5 1/2                      pounds or more).

Did you know? "Each year, nearly one million teenagers in the U.S.-approximately 10 percent of all 15- to 19-year-old females-become pregnant. About one third of these teens abort their pregnancies, 14% miscarry, and 52% bear children, 72% of them out of wedlock. (4) More than 9 in 10 teens who give birth keep their babies; few place their babies for adoption. U.S. teenagers have one of the highest pregnancy rates in the Western world-twice as high as rates found in England, France and Canada, three times as high as that in Sweden; and seven times as high as the Dutch rate"