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Abortion Testimonies
Testimony Printed with permission from To read more on the testimoies for lost fatherhood please vist OR simply Click here
Is a child an Inconvenience ??????????

Back in December 2005, I got engaged. (His name was David.) A few months later, we feared I was pregnant. It turned out that I wasn't, but when I told him I could be... he told me I would have to get an
abortion because he was too young to take care of a baby and if I didn't that it would ruin our lives. I told my best friend (Bobby) about this and he told me, that whether it was his or not, he'd raise it as his own. I decided right then and there that David was NOT someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I'm now engaged to another man, (April 2, 2007) who I KNOW I could spend the rest of my life with happily. I can't wait to raise a family with Bobby. My name is Leigh, and I'm from KY, and love my life now because I know I made the right choice.

Other Readers Comments Pertaining this testimony

Damian Of DE, writes" God bless you Leigh, and your fiancee. May you both have a wonderful life filled with Gods glory and Love. May he one day bless you with wonderful kids. Children are never an inconvenience, the are gifts from God. I Pray that Bobby treat you with the love and respect that you deserve.

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